
Updated: September 20, 2023

Latest version

3.3.0 for SAMSON 2023 R1

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Updated: September 20, 2023

Latest version

3.3.0 for SAMSON 2023 R1

Perform protein-protein docking.

Perform protein sampling and docking using the Hex algorithm developed by Dave Ritchie.

Docking solutions can be easily displayed, clustered, and exported.


Please see the tutorial: Protein docking with Hex.


Protein Docking Using Case-Based Reasoning. A.W. Ghoorah, M. Smail-Tabbone, M.-D. Devignes, D.W. Ritchie, (2013). Proteins: Structure, Function, Bioinformatics

Hex is an extension for SAMSON,
the integrative platform for molecular design.

To use Hex:

1. Create your free account and choose a molecular design plan
2. Download and install SAMSON on your computer
3. Come back to this page to request a trial

When you restart SAMSON, the extension will be automatically installed
and will be usable directly from within SAMSON.