Updated: Feb 28, 2025
Latest versions
1.7.0 for SAMSON 2024 R1
The FITTED Suite SAMSON Extension was done in partnership with Molecular Forecaster and wraps their FITTED Docking software including the associated tools (CONVERT, SMART, PREPARE, PROCESS).
FITTED - Flexibility Induced Through Targeted Evolutionary Description
This fully automated docking software is unique in that it intelligently recognizes the flexibility of macromolecules, the presence of bridging "displaceable" water molecules, covalent functional groups, and proton shifts upon metal coordination. FITTED is based on a genetic algorithm (GA) with an emphasis on balancing speed and accuracy.
The FITTED Suite SAMSON Extension automates the protein-ligand docking by using the following accessory programs by Molecular Forecaster:
To add this extension to your SAMSON account, you need to obtain a license from Molecular Forecaster.
Tutorial: Covalent and non-covalent protein-ligand docking with the Fitted Suite by Molecular Forecaster
Video tutorial: Protein-ligand docking with the FITTED Suite and the SAMSON molecular design platform.
Moitessier N., Pottel J., Therrien E., Englebienne P., Liu Z., Tomberg A., Corbeil C.R. Medicinal Chemistry Projects Requiring Imaginative Structure-Based Drug Design Methods Accounts of Chemical Research (2016), 49 (9), 1646-1657