Updated: Mar 14, 2025
Latest version
5.0.1 for SAMSON 2024 R1
This module enables VR support in SAMSON.
Perform interactive simulations, visualize large-scale models containing hundreds of thousands of atoms, design new molecules, build nanotube junctions, etc., all in virtual reality.
To change the view, press both triggers (typically under the index finger) at the same time, hold, and move your hands. Spread your hands to zoom in. Bring them closer to zoom out. Zooming in and out effectively changes your size relative to the molecules.
Three interaction modes are available:
The default mode is "Move". Change modes using the Grasp button (typically under the middle finger).
Each hand has its own interaction mode.
For each hand, press the Menu button to toggle labels indicating the functions of the buttons.
Going inside the pariacoto virus (500 000 atoms):
Interactive molecular dynamics simulation:
Capping a carbon nanotube:
Welding two carbon nanotubes:
Editing a graphene sheet:
To use this extension, you need Windows 10 or 11 and a Windows Mixed Reality headset. The latest Windows updates should be installed.