Updated: Aug 29, 2024

Latest versions

2.2.0 for SAMSON 2024 R1

2.2.0 for SAMSON 2024 R1

2.2.0 for SAMSON 2024 R1


Free extension

No credit card required


Updated: Aug 29, 2024

Latest versions

2.2.0 for SAMSON 2024 R1

2.2.0 for SAMSON 2024 R1

2.2.0 for SAMSON 2024 R1

Use a parallel implementation of the nudged elastic band (NEB) method to find saddle points and minimum-energy paths.

This extension is a parallel implementation of the nudged elastic band method. The implementation is based on the paper by Henkelman et al. (Henkelman, Graeme, Blas P. Uberuaga, and Hannes Jónsson. "A climbing image nudged elastic band method for finding saddle points and minimum energy paths." The Journal of chemical physics 113.22 (2000): 9901-9904.)

P-NEB is an extension for SAMSON,
the integrative platform for molecular design.

To use P-NEB:

1. Create your free account and choose a molecular design plan
2. Download and install SAMSON on your computer
3. Come back to this page to add the extension to your account

When you restart SAMSON, the extension will be automatically installed
and will be usable directly from within SAMSON.